Cardiovascular disease is considered the #1 killer in the world and accounts for more than 17 million deaths annually, with 375,000 of those occurring in the United States.The prevalence of heart disease is largely attributable to the increasingly sedentary lifestyle that Americans have developed, coupled with corresponding bad dietary habits. Given this frequency of occurrence, it is worthwhile to be able to identify the symptoms of a heart attack. Here are some things to look for:
Chest discomfort
Chest discomfort does not necessarily mean pain in the chest. As an indicator for potential heart attack, chest discomfort is more likely to feel like a powerful pressure, as though a weight had been placed on the chest. However, burning in the chest or upper abdomen can also indicate a heart attack, especially when the discomfort lasts for more than 5 minutes, disappears and then resurfaces, or presents along with other symptoms such as dizziness, fatigue, lightheadedness, clammy skin, cold sweat, or profuse sweating. Chest discomfort may occur at rest or during activity.
Upper body discomfort
Sometimes pain and discomfort are felt in other areas of the upper body, away from the chest, as a sign of an impending heart attack. This can be centered in one or both arms, shoulders, the back area, neck, jaw or the area of the stomach just above the navel.
Difficulty breathing
There are many things that shortness of breath might indicate, but as a marker for possible impending heart attacks, breathing difficulty would be a new condition in an individual who was not formerly prone to it. When the lungs are not receiving sufficient oxygen, breathing becomes labored, and oxygen supply is reduced when the heart is unable to support proper circulation. Unexplained breathing difficulty should be checked out by a physician.
Fatigue, disorientation and dizziness
When the body’s blood cells do not have enough oxygen, the heart has to work harder, and a person’s energy level is much reduced. Poor circulation affects the blood flow to the brain as well as other parts of the body, so both disorientation and dizziness can result. These symptoms may also be accompanied by cold sweats, and when all of these are in evidence, it can be a life-threatening situation for the affected person. Anyone experiencing these symptoms should seek immediate medical attention.
Nausea and vomiting
Of course, there are many other reasons that a person might feel nauseous and undergo vomiting, but as these two relate to heart attacks, there would be no other explainable reason for them. When they are not symptoms of an obvious illness or any other apparent health issue, and especially when accompanied by one or more of the indicators described above, nausea and vomiting can be danger signs of an impending heart attack.
Cumulative effect
The more of these signs that are exhibited by a person in distress, the more likely it becomes that a heart attack or some other heart-related issue is coming. When two or three, or even more of these symptoms are observed in someone, the probability of a heart attack increases dramatically. Medical assistance should be sought immediately.