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Anesthesiology program

Thank you for your interest in the Anesthesiology Residency Program.

The Department of Anesthesiology is proud to announce the continued accreditation of our anesthesiology program until February 1, 2026. Mount Sinai’s Anesthesiology Department has a great tradition of training anesthesiologists with our close association with University of Miami/Jackson Memorial Hospital’s anesthesiology residency program.

The challenge of mastering the specialty of Anesthesiology is enormous. New drugs, new techniques and new equipment are always being introduced. Patients have more complex surgical and medical problems. The advances in anesthesiology and perioperative care have allowed for aggressive use of invasive procedures and surgeries in even the sickest of patients. The foundation of our specialty’s growth and success is rooted in the anesthesiology residency-training program. This is where the fundamentals are learned, as well as habits developed. I have complete confidence that there is no better place to train than at Mount Sinai Medical Center. The residency is the focal point of our department’s educational mission.

It is a pleasure to be the Program Director for our training program and work with so many talented people in our department, hospital and affiliates.


Gerald P. Rosen, MD
Program Director


Education Goals

Education in our Anesthesiology Program is a continuous process. We promote self-learning and hope the resident will come to appreciate that knowledge and understanding is a life-long pursuit. We also realize that learning styles differ among individuals. We therefore, designed a learning program that is adaptable to our audience and can best suit a variety of teaching and learning strategies.

House Staff Benefits

Residents are provided with:

  • Professional liability insurance
  • Parking
  • On-call rooms for every service
  • White lab coats and scrubs
  • House staff lounge with TV, refrigerator, coffee maker and computer station
  • Academic allowance per academic year
  • 14 paid sick days
  • 28 calendar days of annual paid vacation

Residents are eligible for:

  • Health insurance for resident and dependents
  • Dental insurance
  • Life insurance
  • Long-term disability insurance


Rosen GP, Escobar M, Fumero P, Viswanath O, Wright J.  The importance of a prepared and ready malignant hyperthermia response team. J Clin Anesth. 2019 Feb 8;56:109-110. doi: 10.1016/j.jclinane.2019.01.041. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 30743151.

Suraci N, Horvath SA, Urina D, Rosen G, Santana O. Quadricuspid aortic valve: Case series and review of literature.Echocardiography. 2019 Feb; 36(2):406-410. doi: 10.1111/echo.14240. Epub 2018 Dec 28. PubMed PMID: 30592788.

Rosen GP, Viswanath O, Wigley JC, Kerner B. Airway Management: The Less Popular Skill of Bag-mask Ventilation.Anesthesiology. 2018 Nov;129(5):1049-1050. doi: 10.1097/ALN.0000000000002420. PubMed PMID: 30325812.

Peck J, Viswanath O, Rosen G. Mask Ventilation Grip: A Life-Saving Innovation. Ochsner J. 2018 Summer;18(2):112-113. doi: 10.31486/toj.18.0010. PubMed PMID: 30258288; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC6135288.

Nicholas SuraciChristina Carr, Jason Hoyos, Gerald Rosen. Improving Labor Progression in Women with Epidural Anesthesia with the Use of the Peanut Ball: A Recent Review, Medical Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 28 September 2018 ISSN: 2333-6439


Acute adrenal insufficiency after anti-emetic dose of Dexamethasone
Andres Bacigalupo Landa, MD, Jayanand D’Mello, MD

Postpartum HELLP Syndrome: A Rare Occurrence of Coagulopathy Disorder
Andres Bacigalupo Landa, MD, Howard S. Goldman, MD, Gerald P. Rosen, MD

Dissection of Superior Vena Cava, Right Atrium, and Right Ventricle from Pulmonary Artery Catheter Placement
Nicholas Suraci, MD, Jason Hoyos, DO, Gerald Rosen, MD, Orlando Santana, MD

Clinical implications for stabilizing vertebral body retropulsed fragments in an anticoagulated patient
Ruben Schwartz, DO, Hisham Kassem, MD, Jacquelin Peck, MD, Christian Gonzalez, MD

Thoracic Epidural Anesthesia in Video assisted Thoracoscopic Surgery: A Quality Improvement Initiative
Jacquelin Peck, MD, Bryan Kerner, DO, Pedro Garcia, MD, Roy Williams, MD, Hector Davila, MD Guillemo Garcia, MD

The Department of Anesthesiology is proud to announce the continued accreditation of our anesthesiology program until February 1, 2026.

Clinical Anesthesia – 1 Year

The CA-1 year begins with a 4-week orientation period during which residents are assigned faculty preceptors with whom they work one-on-one. The preceptors provide basic instruction in preanesthetic evaluation, preparation of the operating room for an anesthetic, and the conduct of and recovery from anesthesia. Residents initially are assigned to simple cases so that the fundamental principles of safe anesthetic practice can be learned.

During the CA-1 year, residents will primarily be assigned to non-subspecialty anesthesia cases (e.g., orthopedics, general surgery, gynecology, plastic surgery, ENT, oral surgery). As residents progress, they will be assigned more complex patients having more complex surgical procedures. The subspecialty areas that will be introduced in the CA-1 year are obstetric anesthesia, preanesthetic assessment clinic, and cardiac anesthesia (for approximately 75% of the CA-1 class), and post-anesthesia care unit.

Clinical Anesthesia – 2 Year

The CA-2 year is primarily devoted to the subspecialties of anesthesia practice. Residents have rotations in cardiac anesthesia, critical care, neurosurgical anesthesia, pain management, pediatric anesthesia, regional anesthesia, and more advanced non-subspecialty anesthesia, including anesthesia for bariatric surgery and burn surgery.

Clinical Anesthesia – 3 Year

In the CA-3 year, residents choose either the advanced clinical anesthesia track or the clinical scientist track. The advanced clinical track is designed to provide residents with advanced anesthesia experience. Through a combination of required and elective rotations, residents have the opportunity to consolidate and expand their clinical skills. Each resident is required to complete rotations in cardiac and pediatric anesthesia and pre-anesthetic assessment. Additionally, residents may request specific subspecialty rotations. The program director makes every effort to design a CA-3 for each resident that includes the residents’ requests.

The clinical scientist track allows the resident to pursue clinical or basic science research for up to 6 months. Residents can choose to work with a faculty member on an established project or can develop their own research project. A resident is expected to complete a project that can be submitted for publication. Our residents who have chosen the clinical scientist track have frequently been able to present the results of their work at regional and national meeting.

Residency Management Team

Wittels, S. Howard, MD
Chairman, Department of Anesthesiology
Medical School: University of Miami School of Medicine, Miami, FL

Gerald P. Rosen, MD
Program Director
Medical School: Ross University School of Medicine
Internship: University of South Florida, Tampa, FL Anesthesiology
Residency: Univ. of South Florida, Tampa FL Anesthesiology

Pedro Garcia, MD
Associate Program Director
Medical School: Universidad Central de Venezuela Escuela de Medicina Luis Razetti, Venezuela
Residency: Mount Sinai Medical Center, Anesthesiology

Miguel Perez, MD
Associate Program Director
Medical School: Universidad Central de Venezuela Escuela de Medicina Luis Razetti, Venezuela
Residency: Mount Sinai Medical Center, Anesthesiology

Italia C. Smith-Green
Residency Program Coordinator

Core Faculty

Christopher Bauer, MD
Medical School: Escuela Autonoma de Ciencias Medicas de Centro America, Costa Rica
Residency: Mount Sinai Medical Center, Anesthesiology 

Vicente Behrens, MD
Medical School: Central University of Venezuela, Luis Razetti School of Medicine, Caracas, Venezuela 
Residency: Jackson Memorial Hospital / Miller School of Medicine

Sebastian Baquero, MD
Medical School: University of Miami Miller School of Medicine, Miami, FL
Residency: Jackson Memorial Hospital / Miller School of Medicine

Charles Caltagirone, MD
Medical School: St. George’s University, St. George’s Grenada
Residency: Mount Sinai Medical Center, Anesthesiology   

Mario Consuegra, MD
Medical School: Ponce Health Sciences University School of Medicine, San Jun PR
Residency: Mount Sinai Medical Center, Anesthesiology 

Hector Davila, MD
Medical School: Ponce Health Sciences University, School of Medicine, Ponce PR

Jayanand D’Mello, MD
Medical School: Mysore Medical College, Mysore University, India

Pablo Fumero, MD
Medical School: Universidad de Ciencias Medicas de Camaguey, Cuba
Residency: Mount Sinai Medical Center, Anesthesiology   

Guillermo Garcia, MD
Medical School: University Central del Este (UCE), San Pedro de Marcoris, Dominican Republic
Residency: Jackson Memorial Hospital/ University of Miami, Anesthesiology

Howard Goldman, MD
Medical School: University of Miami Miller School of Medicine, Miami FL
Residency: Jackson Memorial Hospital / Miller School of Medicine

Alejandro Guzman, MD
Medical School: Escuela Autonoma de Ciencias Medicas de Centro America, Costa Rica
Residency: Mount Sinai Medical Center, Anesthesiology 

Fredrick Hasty, MD
Medical School: University of Miami Miller School of Medicine, Miami FL
Residency: Jackson Memorial Hospital / Miller School of Medicine

Jason Wigley, MD
Medical School: Michigan State University- East Lansing
Residency: Jackson Memorial Hospital / Miller School of Medicine

Anesthesiology residents

CA – 1

Maria Budylina, MD
Medical School:  Chuvash State University Medical Faculty, Russia

Jason Burtch, DO
Medical School:  Nova Southeastern University, Davie, FL

Alexis Garcia, MD
Medical School:  American University of Antigua, Antigua and Barbuda

Max Kabolowsky, DO
Medical School:  Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine, Moultrie, GA

Neslida Kodra, DO
Medical School:  Nova Southeastern University, Davie, FL

Bryce Sebade, DO
Medical School:  Nova Southeastern University, Davie, FL


CA -2

Karina Escalona, MD
Medical School:  Universidad Ibderoamericana School of Medicine, San Domingo

Tomas Farfan, MD
Medical School:  Universidad Libre de Cali Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud, Colombia

Ryan Guedry, MD
Medical School:  LSU Health Science Center, LA

Dakota Hall, MD
Medical School:  Oakland University School of Medicine, MI

Ricardo Kaempfen, MD
Medical School: Western Michigan University School of Medicine, MI

Vignesh Sankar, DO
Medical School:  Nova Southeastern School of Medicine, FL

CA -3

Michael Fitzpatrick, MD
Medical School:  LSU Health Science Center, LA

Jordan Fried, MD
Medical School: Sackler School of Medicine, Tel Aviv, Israel

Serafin Alexander, MD
Medical School: University of Texas Medical school of Medicine, TX

Ariel Malca, MD
Medical School: St. George’s University School of Medicine, Grenada

Karla Samaniego, MD
Medical School: Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, TX

Adam Sugarman, MD
Medical School: Sackler School of Medicine, Tel Aviv, Israel


Class of 2024

Charles Caltagirone, MD
Miami Beach Anesthesiology Associates, Miami Beach, FL

Alvaro Castro, MD
Envision Healthcare, Fort Lauderdale, FL

Joshua Durbach, MD
University Miami/ Jackson Memorial Hospital, Miami, FL Critical Care Fellowship

Jared Herman, DO
Henry Ford Hospital, Detroit, MI   Pain Fellowship

Ajay Kurup, DO
Lenox Hill Hospital, New York

Salomon Poliwoda, MD
University Miami/ Jackson Memorial Hospital, Miami, FL Pain Fellowship

Class of 2023

Marco Castillo, MD
University of Mississippi Medical Center- Cardiac Anesthesia Fellowship

Mauricio Escobar, MD
Envision Healthcare, Wellington, FL

Miguel Perez, MD
Miami Beach Anesthesiology Associates, Miami Beach, FL

Robert Zusman, DO
University of Southern California – Pain Medicine Fellowship

Class of 2022

Mario Consuegra, MD
Miami Beach Anesthesiology Associates, Miami Beach, FL

Alejandro Guzman, MD
Miami Beach Anesthesiology Associates, Miami Beach, FL

Nazir Noor, MD
USC Keck School of Medicine, Los Angeles, CA- Pain Medicine Fellowship

Dalina Padron, MD
South Miami Hospital, South Miami, FL

Class of 2021

Hisham Kassem, MD
University of California, Irvine, CA Pain Fellowship

Jacquelin Peck, MD
Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston MA Pediatric Anesthesia Fellowship

Ruben Rodriguez, MD
Palmetto General Hospital, Hialeah, FL

Ruben Schwartz, DO
USC Keck School of Medicine, Los Angeles, CA Pain Fellowship

Class of 2020

Christopher Bauer, MD
Miami Beach Anesthesiology Associates, Miami Beach, FL

Pedro Garcia, MD
Miami Beach Anesthesiology Associates, Miami Beach, FL

Nicholas Suraci, MD
Loyola University Medical Center, Maywood, Illinois

Class of 2019

Andres Bacigalupo, MD
Pediatric Anesthesiology Fellowship
Children’s Hospital Medical Center, Cincinnati, OH

Pablo Fumero, MD
Miami Beach Anesthesiology Associates, Miami Beach, FL

Bryan Kerner, DO
Regional Anesthesiology Fellowship
University of Washington, Seattle, WA

Class of 2018

Osman Salaria, MD
Pain Medicine Fellowship
Cedars Sinai Medical Center Los Angeles, CA

Rekhaben Suthar, MD
Interventional Pain Management Fellowship
Case Western Reserve University Hospitals, Cleveland, Ohio

Class of 2017

Jonathan Howard, MD
Critical Care Anesthesiology Fellowship
University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio

Omar Viswanath, MD
Interventional Pain Medicine Fellowship
Harvard-Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center

Jarrod Wilson, MD
Miami Beach Anesthesiology Associates, Miami Beach, FL

Weekly  Resident Meetings

Morning Conference Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday @ 6:30am
Tuesday: Chapter Review from Millers Basics of Anesthesiology
Wednesday: Lectures, Journal Club, Scholarly Activity, Keyword
Thursday: Oral Board, M&M

Prior to entering the program, residents are required to successfully complete a year of clinical base training (PGY-1) in a specialty area acceptable to the American Board of Anesthesiology. Most residents complete a transitional year or a preliminary year in internal medicine or surgery. Osteopathic physicians are welcome to apply but must complete an ACGME accredited internship.

6 positions are offered at Mount Sinai Medical Center’s Anesthesiology Residency Program each year.

Mount Sinai Medical Center participates and accepts applications only through ERAS (Electronic Residency Application Service). In addition, your application will only be considered if you are enrolled in the National Resident Matching Program (NRMP). You must contact your medical school for delivery of your application, transcripts, Dean’s letter and faculty recommendations to our program via the internet.

NRMP#: 1105040R0

Program ID#:114006

Required Documents for Application

Letters of Recommendation: 3 recommendation required

Currently or Completed an ACGME approved internship

  • USMLE (Step I and II completed, with plans for III)
  • Pass Clinical Skills Assessment( Test administered by the ECFMG)
  • Current and Valid ECFMG Certificate
  • Applicants should have graduated from medical school within the past five years.
  • Applicants must have excellent English comprehension and speaking skills.
  • Only J-1 Visas are accepted for training

Interview Process

Upon receipt of the completed application, our selection committee will review all materials. Invitations for interviews will be offered via e-mail from Italia C. Smith-Green, Program Coordinator.

Interviews will start in Early December

Inquiries directed to Italia Smith-Green, Program Coordinator,

Final confirmation for appointment shall be subject to a satisfactory health examination conducted by the MEDICAL CENTER’s Employee Health Services Department, such physical examination to include a screening test for the presence of non-prescribed substances, alcohol, and nicotine products. Offers of appointment to prospective employees who test positive for nicotine will be rescinded.


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