The importance of cancer-fighting foods is now being recognized as one of the major weapons in the arsenal for the battle against all types of cancer.
As findings from more and more studies become publicized and understood, it has become readily apparent that one of the best ways to reduce the risk of contracting cancer is through a diet rich in fiber, and much lower in fatty foods. It is not only the easiest tactic to adopt, but it is also by far the least expensive.
The key to this approach however, is to not think of it as a diet which must be observed for a specific time duration, as you might on a weight loss program. Instead, consuming cancer-fighting foods needs to be a lifestyle choice which is continued indefinitely and embraced as a way of life. One good approach would be to include many of the fruits and vegetables you already love in as many meals as possible, so it doesn’t become a chore to gulp down distasteful foodstuffs. Here are some of the foods which have the best cancer-fighting properties.
Foods rich in Vitamin D
The American Association for Cancer Research has issued a report which details the strong correlation between high intake of Vitamin D and a 50% reduction in the risk for contracting breast cancer. Another study conducted at Harvard University discovered a link between Vitamin D intake and greater survival rate for lung cancer patients. It is thought that this vitamin inhibits the growth of cancerous cells, and that accounts for its cancer-fighting ability.
Vitamin D can be found in milk, eggs, shrimp, codfish, and salmon. When taking Vitamin D as a supplement, the current recommended adult dosage is 400 IU per day, although scientists now think that should be increased to 1,000 IU per day, based on its beneficial effects. For those who have the inclination and the opportunity, as much as 5,000 IU of Vitamin D can be absorbed by your body in a mere ten minutes, when you expose at least 40% of your body to sunshine without using sunscreen.
Tea rich in flavonoids
Tea lovers can rejoice in the news that tea has been found to offer significant protection against ovarian cancer, when at least 4 cups per day are consumed. Women who drink this much tea are 66% less likely to develop ovarian cancer, and 46% less likely to develop breast cancer than women who drink no tea at all.
Cruciferous vegetables
Cruciferous vegetables are those from the cabbage family, for instance Brussels sprouts, kale, broccoli, cauliflower, and cabbage itself. Scientists believe that the act of chewing these vegetables releases cancer-killing ingredients which work wonders for the body in protecting it against cancer. These kinds of greens have been shown to be very effective in preventing prostate and colon cancer, and in people who already have one of these cancers, it seems to slow the progress of such cancers significantly.
Foods rich in folates
Cereals, breads, and pastas are foods which are rich in folates, and many manufacturers of these products often include extra folates in them, so their effects are multiplied. The reason for the effectiveness of folates is that people who have low levels of them in their bodies, seem to be more susceptible to DNA mutations which lead to cancerous cells. By maintaining higher levels of folates, fewer harmful mutations occur, which means a lower risk of developing cancer, particularly lung cancer and pancreatic cancer.