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Rodrigo Arrangoiz

Rodrigo Arrangoiz MS, MD, FACS, FSSO

Assistant Professor at the Columbia University Division of Surgical Oncology at Mount Sinai Medical Center

  • Cancer
  • Head and Neck Surgery
  • Thyroid and Parathyroid Surgery
  • Breast Surgery
  • Complex Surgical Oncology
  • Surgical Oncology

Dr. Rodrigo Arrangoiz is a board-certified surgical oncologist who subspecializes in breast cancer and head and neck cancer. Dr. Arrangoiz earned his medical degree at the Anahuac University Medical School in Mexico City, Mexico and graduated Suma Cum Laude. He completed his internship and residency in general surgery at Michigan State University, where he was named chief resident during his fifth year of residency. Dr. Arrangoiz also completed a complex surgical oncology, head and neck fellowship at the Fox Chase Cancer Center in Philadelphia and at the same time he undertook a master’s in science (Clinical Research for Health Care Professionals) at Drexel University in Philadelphia.

My locations

  • Mount Sinai Medical Center (Main Campus)

    4306 Alton Road, 2nd Floor, Miami Beach, FL 33140
  • Mount Sinai Emergency Center and Primary & Specialty Care Hialeah

    6050 West 20th Ave., Hialeah, FL 33016
  • Profile

    Dr. Rodrigo Arrangoiz is a board-certified surgical oncologist who subspecializes in breast cancer and head and neck cancer. Dr. Arrangoiz earned his medical degree at the Anahuac University Medical School in Mexico City, Mexico and graduated Suma Cum Laude. He completed his internship and residency in general surgery at Michigan State University, where he was named chief resident during his fifth year of residency. Dr. Arrangoiz also completed a complex surgical oncology, head and neck fellowship at the Fox Chase Cancer Center in Philadelphia and at the same time he undertook a master’s in science (Clinical Research for Health Care Professionals) at Drexel University in Philadelphia. Dr. Arrangoiz also participated in a two-year global online fellowship in head and neck surgery and oncology through the International Federation of Head and Neck Societies / Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center.

    Dr. Arrangoiz has participated in multiple courses and academic congresses as a lecturer and guest professor and has also participated in several publications on topics related to his specialty that include oral cavity cancer, hyperparathyroidism, thyroid cancer, breast cancer, endocrine tumors, squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck, and more. He is board certified by the American Board of Surgery, the Mexican Board of General Surgery and the Mexican Board of Oncology.

    He is a member of various medical associations such as the American College of Surgeons, American Thyroid Association, American Head and Neck Society, American Medical Association, American Society of Clinical Oncology, Association of Academic Surgeons, Society of Surgical Oncology, The Society of Surgery of the Alimentary Tract, Society of American Gastrointestinal Endoscopic Surgeons, and the American Society of Breast Surgeons, among others.


    Head and Neck Surgery
    Thyroid and Parathyroid Surgery
    Breast Surgery
    Complex Surgical Oncology

    Areas of Clinical Interest:

    Malignant thyroid disease (papillary, follicular, medullary, anaplastic thyroid cancer, thyroid lymphoma, and metastatic disease to the thyroid gland) benign thyroid diseases (goiter, multinodular goiter, substernal goiter, hyperthyroidism), hyperparathyroidism / hypercalcemia, benign and malignant breast diseases, head and neck surgery and head and neck cancer.

    *This physician is employed by Mount Sinai Medical Center

  • Publications

    Selected Publications:

    • Damadi A, Julien L, Arrangoiz R, Saxe A. Does Obesity Compromise Lymph Node Harvest Among Patients Undergoing Colectomy for Adenocarcinoma. Am Surg. 2008 Nov; 74(11): 1073-7
    • Arrangoiz R, Damadi A, Saxe A: Splenic Injury Following Colonoscopy: A Case Report and Literature Review. The Internet Journal of Surgery. 2009 Volume 18 Number 2
    • Arrangoiz R, Garand S, Slomski C, Littman T, Osuch JR: What is the Diagnostic Accuracy of Hypocellular Fine Needle Aspiration of the Breast in the Context of an Otherwise Negative Triple Screen. The Internet Journal of Oncology. 2009 Volume 6 Number 1
    • Arrangoiz R, Anthony Nigliazzo, Kareti R, Mosher B. Incidental finding of a Left Persistent Superior Vena Cava during Routine Insertion of a Bard Port. The Internet Journal of Surgery. 2009 Volume 20 Number 1
    • Arrangoiz, A. Nigliazzo, R. Opreanu, B. Mosher, P. Stevens, C. Morrison & J. Kepros: Incidental Finding of a Type IV Hiatal Hernia Following Trauma Work-up. The Internet Journal of Surgery. 2009 Volume 21 Number 1
    • Opreanu R, Arrangoiz R, Stevens P, Morrison C, Mosher B, Kepros J. Hematocrit, Systolic Blood Pressure, and Heart Rate are not Accurate Predictors for Surgery to Control Hemorrhage in Injured Patients. Am Surg 2010 Mar; 76 (3): 296-301
    • Nigliazzo A, Arrangoiz R, Hutchison R, Saxe A. Surgical Knot Strength in Continuous Abdominal Wall Closures. J Surg Res. 2010 Feb; 158(2)-5
    • Arrangoiz R, Nigliazzo A, Apelgren K, Saxe A: Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Breast: A Case Report and Literature Review. The Internet Journal of Oncology. 2010 Volume 7 Number 1
    • Eigenberg M, Arrangoiz R, Nigliazzo A, Morrison C, Mosher B, Kepros J. Nonoperative management of an esophageal perforation following Combitube placement. J Surg Radiol. 2010 Jul 1; 1(1).Michigan State University, Lansing, Michigan, USA.
    • Arrangoiz R, Opreanu RC, Mosher BD, Morrison CA, Stevens P, Kepros JP. Reduction of radiation dose in pediatric brain CT is not associated with missed injuries or delayed diagnosis. Am Surg. 2010 Nov;76(11):1255-9
    • Shanmugan S, Arrangoiz R, Nitzkorski J, Yu JQ, Sigurdson E, Farma J. Predicting pathologic response to neoadjuvant chemoradiotheray in locally advanced rectal cancer using FDG PET/CT. Ann Surg Oncol. 2012 Mar 7. DOI 10.1245/s10434-012-2248-z.
    • Arrangoiz R, Papavasiliou P, Farma J Case Report and Literature Review: Metastatic Lobular Carcinoma of the Breast an Unusual Presentation. Int J Surg Case Rep. 2011; 2(8):301-5.
    • Pavlos Papavasiliou, Rodrigo Arrangoiz, Fang Zhu, Yun Shin Chun, Kristin Edwards, and John P. Hoffman, “The Anatomic Course of the First Jejunal Branch of the Superior Mesenteric Vein in Relation to the Superior Mesenteric Artery,” International Journal of Surgical Oncology, vol. 2012, Article ID 538769, 4 pages, 2012. doi:10.1155/2012/538769
    • Rodrigo Arrangoiz, Pavlos Papavasiliou, Carrie A. Stransky, Jian Q. Yu, Li Tianyu, Elin R. Sigurdson, Adam C. Berger, and Jeffrey M. Farma. Preoperative FDG-PET/CT Is an Important Tool in the Management of Patients with Thick (T4) Melanoma, Dermatology Research and Practice, vol. 2012, Article ID 614349, 6 pages, 2012. doi:10.1155/2012/614349
    • Papavasiliou P, Arrangoiz R, Farma JM (2011) Utility of PET/CT in the staging and treatment of patients with Merkel Cell Carcinoma and Melanoma. J Nucl Med Radiat Ther S5:001. doi:10.4172/2155-9619.S5-001
    • Miriam Lango, Douglas Flieder, Rodrigo Arrangoiz, Colleen Veloski, Jian Q. Yu, Tianyu Li, Barbara Burtness, Ranee Mehra, Thomas Galloway, John A Ridge Extranodal extension of Metastatic Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma: Correlation with biochemical endpoints, nodal persistence, and systemic disease progression. 2013 Sep;23(9):1099-105. doi: 10.1089/thy.2013.0027.doi:10.1089/thy.2013.0027
    • Arrangoiz R, Papavasiliou P, Singla S, Siripurapu V, Li T, Watson JC, Hoffman JP, Farma JM. Partial stomach-partitioning gastrojejunostomy and the success of this procedure in terms of palliation. Am J Surg. 2013 May 21. doi:pii: S0002-9610(13)00214-6. 10.1016/j.amjsurg.2012.11.015.
    • Sarcu D, Arrangoiz R, Watson JC. A 70-Year-Old Male with Recurrent Pneumonia. J Surg Radiol. 2012 Oct 1;3(4).
    • Rodrigo Arrangoiz, Pavlos Papavasiliuo, David Sarcu, Thomas J. Galloway, John A. Ridge, Miriam Lango. Current Thinking on Malignant Salivary Gland Neoplasms. Journal of Cancer Treatment and Research. Vol. 1, No. 1, 2013, pp. 8-24. doi: 10.11648/j.jctr.20130101.12
    • Moreno PE, Aragón LA, Toledo C, Arrangoiz R, Cordera F, Luque E y cols. Experiencia del uso de minilaparoscopía en el Centro Médico ABC. Rev Mex Cir Endoscop. 2013; 14: 114-118.
    • Rodrigo Arrangoiz, Tom J. Galloway, Pavlos Papavasiliou, John A. Ridge, Miriam N. Lango. Metastatic Cervical Carcinoma of Unknown Primary Literature Review. Ear Nose Throat J. 2014 April-May;93(4-5): E1
    • Balanzá R, Arrangoiz R, Cordera F, Muñoz M, Luque-de-León E, Moreno E, Toledo C, González E. Mammary analog secretory carcinoma of the parotid gland: A case report and literature review. Int J Surg Case Rep. 2015 Oct 1; 16:187-191. doi: 10.1016/j.ijscr.2015.09.031
    • Rodrigo Arrangoiz, Joel Dorantes, Fernando Cordera, Manuel Muñoz Juárez, Eduardo Moreno Paquentin, Enrique Luque de León. Melanoma Review: Epidemiology, Risk Factors, Diagnosis and Staging. Journal of Cancer Treatment and Research. Vol. 4, No. 1, 2016, pp. 1-15. doi: 10.11648/j.jctr.20160401.11
    • Balanzá R, Arrangoiz R, Cordera F, Muñoz M, Luque-de-León E, Moreno E, Molinar L, Somerville N. Pulmonary extraskeletal myxoid chondrosarcoma: A case report and literature review. Int J Surg Case Rep. 2016; 27:96-101. doi: 10.1016/j.ijscr.2016.08.025.
    • Rodrigo Arrangoiz, Fernando Cordera, David Caba, Manuel Muñoz Juarez, Eduardo Moreno, Enrique Luque de Leon. Current Understanding and Management of Parathyroid Carcinoma. Journal of Cancer Treatment and Research. Vol. 5, No. 3, 2017, pp. 51-61. doi: 10.11648/j.jctr.20170503.15
    • Arrangoiz R, Cordera F, Lambreton F, Luque-de-Leon E, Muñoz-Juárez M, et al. (2016) Current Thinking on Primary Hyperparathyroidism. JSM Head Neck Cancer Cases Rev 1(1): 1002.
    • Roger Pozzo, Rodrigo Arrangoiz, Fernando Cordera, Eduardo Moreno, Enrique Luque-De-León, Manuel Muñoz, Fernando Lambreton. Trans umbilical laparoscopic access during laparoscopic procedure. Case Studies in Surgery, Vol. 3, No. 1, February 2017. DOI: 10.5430/css. v3n1p1 URL:
    • Arrangoiz R, Lambreton-Hinojosa F, Cordera F, Caba D, et al. (2017) Primary Hyperparathyroidism and Thyroid Cancer: A Case Series. JSM Head Neck Cancer Cases Rev 2(1): 1008.
    • Rodrigo Arrangoiz, Manuel Muñoz-Juárez, Roger H. Pozzo, Fernando Cordera, Enrique Luque-de León, Eduardo Moreno-Paquentin, M. Ángel Sánchez-Pérez, Efrain Cruz-González, José David Hernández-Marín. Management of Complications Related to Laparoscopic Adjustable Silicone Gastric Band. Journal of Surgery. 5, No. 3, 2017, pp. 37-42. doi: 10.11648/j.js.20170503.11
    • Arrangoiz R, Cordera F, Caba D, Muñoz M, Moreno E and de Leon EL. Dermatobrosarcoma Protuberans (DFSP): Case Report and Literature Review. SM J Surg. 2017; 3(1): 1010.
    • Rodrigo Arrangoiz, Jorge Sánchez-García, Fernando Cordera, David Caba, Eduardo Moreno, Efrain Cruz, Enrique Luque-de-León and Manuel Muñoz. Sentinel lymph node biopsy in the setting of conjunctival melanoma: Report of two cases and literature review. Glob Surg, 2017. Volume 3(4): 1-3doi: 10.15761/GOS.1000165
    • Arrangoiz, R., Cordera, F., Caba, D., Muñoz Juárez, M., Moreno, E. and Luque, E. (2017) Parathyroid Embryology, Anatomy, and Pathophysiology of Primary Hyperparathyroidism. International Journal of Otolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery, 6, 39-58. doi: 4236/ijohns.2017.64007.
    • Beatriz de Rienzo-Madero, Gabriel Kraus-Fischer, Carlos Toledo-Toral, Daniel Kajomovitz-Bialostosky, Manuel Muñoz-Juarez, Eduardo Moreno-Paquentin, Enrique Luque de Leon, David Caba, Fernando Cordera, Rodrigo Arrangoiz. The return of the bilateral neck exploration for primary Hyperparathyroidism. Medical Science, 2017, 21(88), 305-316
    • Rodrigo Arrangoiz, Fernando Cordera, David Caba, Luis Fernando Negrete, Manuel Muñoz Juárez, Eduardo Moreno Paquentin and Enrique Luque de León. Malignant Salivary Gland Neoplasms Literature Review. In: Top 25 Contributions on Cancer Research. Hyderabad, India: Avid Science. 2018.
    • Arrangoiz R, Sánchez-García J, Moreno-Paquentin E, Molina DC, de León EL, et al. (2018). Does Vitamin D Deficiency, Cause Primary Hyperparathyroidism? Int J Surg Res Pract 5:064. doi. org/10.23937/2378-3397/1410064
    • Arrangoiz R, Cordera F, Caba D, Moreno E, de Leon EL, et al. (2018) Oral tongue cancer: Literature review and current management. Cancer Rep Rev 2: doi: 10.15761/CRR.1000153
    • Arrangoiz, R., Cordera, F., Caba, D., Muñoz, M., Moreno, E. and de León, E.L. (2018) Comprehensive Review of Thyroid Embryology, Anatomy, Histology, and Physiology for Surgeons. International Journal of Otolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery, 7, 160-188.
    • Arrangoiz, R., Cordera, F., Caba, D., Moreno, E., de Leon, E.L. and Muñoz, M. (2018) Management Approach to Thyroid Nodules. International Journal of Otolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery, 7, 214-227.
    • Arrangoiz R, Cordera F, Caba D, Moreno E, de-Leon EL, et al. (2018) Medullary Thyroid Carcinoma Literature Review and Current Management. J Clin Endocrinal and Diabetes: JCED-118. DOI: 10.29011/ JCED-118/100018
    • Arrangoiz R, Cordera F, Caba D, Munoz M, Moreno E, de Leon EL. Case Report and Literature Review of Medullary Thyroid Carcinoma. Am J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2018; 1(6): 1026.
    • Arrangoiz R, Margain-Treviño D, Sánchez-García J, Moreno-Paquentin E, Caba-Molina D, Luque-de-León E, et al. Is Breast Cancer, Associated with Primary Hyperparathyroidism? Am J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2019; 2(1): 1033.
    • Caba-Molina D, Lambreton F, Arrangoiz R. Trends in Robotic Pancreaticoduodenectomy and Distal Pancreatectomy. J Laparoendosc Adv Surg Tech A. 2019 Feb;29(2):147-151. doi: 10.1089/lap.2018.0421.
    • Arrangoiz R, Sánchez-García J, Moreno-Paquentin E, Caba Molina D, Luque de León E, Fernando Cordera, et al. Increase Cancer Risk in Patients with Primary Hyperparathyroidism. Am J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2019; 2(5): 1051.
    • Cordera F, Salazar-Vitale A, Mejıa-Sanchez E, Arrangoiz R, Caba-Molina D, Munoz-Juárez M, Luque-de-Leon E, Moreno E, Laparoscopic resection of gastric schwannoma: a case report. International Journal of Surgery Case Reports (2019). doi:
    • Arrangoiz R, Margain D, Cordera F, Luque-de-Leon E, Munoz Juarez M, Moreno E. Parathyroid Cyst: Case Report and Literature Review. Am J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2019; 2(10): 1075.
    • Arrangoiz, R, Cordera, F., Caba, D., Moreno, E., Luque-de- Leon, E. and Muñoz, M. (2019) Thyroid Cancer. International Journal of Otolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery, 8, 217-270.
    • Arrangoiz, R., Ornelas, M.C., Pineda-Díaz, J., Cordera, F., Caba, D., Moreno, E., Luque-De-Leon, E. and Muñoz, M. (2020) Metastatic Lobular Carcinoma of the Breast Presenting with Small Bowel Metastases: Case Report and Literature Review. Advances in Breast Cancer Research, 9, 1-11.
    • Arrangoiz R, Moran R, Corona L, Boy J, Cordera F, Caba D, et al. Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma Hobnail Variant: A Report of Two Cases and Literature Review. Am J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2020; 3(2): 1087.
    • Arrangoiz R. COVIDSurg Collaborative, Preoperative nasopharyngeal swab testing and postoperative pulmonary complications in patients undergoing elective surgery during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic,British Journal of Surgery, znaa051,
    • Arrangoiz R. Glasbey, J. C. and A. Bhangu (2020). “Elective Cancer Surgery in COVID-19–Free Surgical Pathways During the SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic: An International, Multicenter, Comparative Cohort Study.” Journal of Clinical Oncology: JCO.20.01933.
    • Arrangoiz R COVIDSurg Collaborative. Delaying surgery for patients with a previous SARS-CoV-2 infection. Br J Surg. 2020 Nov;107(12):e601-e602. doi: 10.1002/bjs.12050. Epub 2020 Sep 25. PMID: 32974904; PMCID: PMC7537063.
    • Arrangoiz, R., Cordera, F., Moreno, E., Luque-de-Leon, E. and Muñoz, M. (2020) Up to Date Management of DCIS and Future Directions. Advances in Breast Cancer Research, 9, 78-100.
    • Alvarez, M.R., Arrangoiz, R., Olarte, M.Á., Carreras, C., León S., M.M. and Cordera, F. (2020) 11C-Choline PET/CT in the Management of Primary Hyperparathyroidism. International Journal of Otolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery, 9, 149-160.
    • Arrangoiz R. Global variation in postoperative mortality and complications after cancer surgery: a multicentre, prospective cohort study in 82 countries. GlobalSurg Collaborative and National Institute for Health Research Global Health Research Unit on Global Surgery. Lancet. 2021 Jan 30;397(10272):387-397. doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(21)00001-5. Epub 2021 Jan 21. PMID: 33485461
    • Arrangoiz, R., De Llano, J.G., Mijares, M.F., Fernandez- Christlieb, G., Vasudevan, V., Sastry, A. and Legaspi, A. (2021) Breast Conserving Surgery: Has the Standard of Care Enhanced Outcomes for Patients? Advances in Breast Cancer Research, 10, 1-23.
    • Arrangoiz R. Collaborative, C. and G. Collaborative, Timing of surgery following SARS-CoV-2 infection: an international prospective cohort study. Anaesthesia (n/a).
    • De Llano, J.G., Mijares, M.F., Vasudevan, V., Arrangoiz, R., Sastry, A., De la Cruz, F., Garcia, J.F. and Legaspi, A. (2021) Mediastinal Liposarcoma: Case Report and Literature Review. Journal of Cancer Therapy, 12, 208-220.
    • Arrangoiz, R., De Llano, J.G., Mijares, M.F., Fernandez-Christlieb, G., Vasudevan, V., Sastry, A., Legaspi, A., Fernandez, J., de la Cruz, F., Cordera, F. and Margain, D. (2021) Current Understanding of Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma. International Journal of Otolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery, 10, 184-221.
    • Arrangoiz R. Effects of pre-operative isolation on postoperative pulmonary complications after elective surgery: an international prospective cohort study. COVIDSurg Collaborative GlobalSurg Collaborative (2021). Anesthesia.
    • Arrangoiz R. STARSurg Collaborative and COVIDSurg Collaborative. Death following pulmonary complications of surgery before and during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. Br J Surg. 2021 Dec 1;108(12):1448-1464. doi: 10.1093/bjs/znab336. PMID: 34871379.
    • Arrangoiz R. COVIDSurg Collaborative. Global wealth disparities drive adherence to COVID-safe pathways in head and neck cancer surgery. BJS Open. 2021 Nov 9;5(6):zrab112. doi: 10.1093/bjsopen/zrab112. PMID: 34958353; PMCID: PMC8711291
    • Arrangoiz R. COVIDSurg Collaborative. Machine learning risk prediction of mortality for patients undergoing surgery with perioperative SARS-CoV-2: the COVIDSurg mortality score. Br J Surg. 2021 Nov 11;108(11):1274-1292. doi: 10.1093/bjs/znab183. PMID: 34227657; PMCID: PMC8344569.
    • Arrangoiz R. COVIDSurg Collaborative. Head and neck cancer surgery during the COVID-19 pandemic: An international, multicenter, observational cohort study. Cancer. 2021 Jul 15;127(14):2476-2488. doi: 10.1002/cncr.33320. Epub 2020 Dec 21. PMID: 33345297.
    • Arrangoiz R. COVIDSurg Collaborative, GlobalSurg Collaborative. SARS-CoV-2 vaccination modelling for safe surgery to save lives: data from an international prospective cohort study. Br J Surg. 2021 Sep 27;108(9):1056-1063. doi: 10.1093/bjs/znab101. PMID: 33761533; PMCID: PMC7995808.
    • Arrangoiz R. COVIDSurg Collaborative; GlobalSurg Collaborative. SARS-CoV-2 infection and venous thromboembolism after surgery: an international prospective cohort study. Anaesthesia. 2022 Jan;77(1):28-39. doi: 10.1111/anae.15563. Epub 2021 Aug 24. PMID: 34428858; PMCID: PMC8652887.
    • Margain, D., Arrangoiz, R., Legaspi, A., Vasudevan, V., Sastry, A., De La Cruz, F., De Llano, J.G., Fernandez, J.,Galindo, L., Llaneras, N., Farrell, M., Fernandez-Christlieb, G. and Cordera, F. (2022) The Role of Preoperative Ultrasound and Sestamibi Scintigraphy in the Surgical Management of Primary Hyperparathyroidism: A Review of Literature. International Journal of Otolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery, 11, 91-105.

    Book Chapters:

    • Arrangoiz R, Ridge, JA. Section 3 Endocrine Tumors, Chapter 12 Parathyroid Cancer. Textbook of Uncommon Cancers. Section 3 Endocrine Tumors, Chapter 12 Parathyroid Cancer, 4th edition: 2012: ISBN: 978-1-1180-8373-4
    • Rodrigo Arrangoiz, Fernando Cordera, Manuel Munoz-Juárez, Eduardo Moreno Paquetin and Enrique Luque-de-Leon. Oral Cavity Cancer: Literature Review and Current Management. In Understand Cancer: Research and Treatment. ISBN:978-1-922227-386. iConcept Press. 2015.
    • Rodrigo Arrangoiz, Fernando Cordera, David Caba, Luis Fernando Negrete, Manuel Muñoz Juárez, Eduardo Moreno Paquentin and Enrique Luque de León. Malignant Salivary Gland Neoplasms Literature Review. In: Top 25 Contributions on Cancer Research. Hyderabad, India: Avid Science. 2018. ISBN: 978-93-86337-76-4
    • Cordera F, Arrangoiz R. Current Management of Ductal Carcinoma in situ (DCIS). NHMMR-V5 [Internet]. 2022Apr.11 [cited 2022Apr.27];98-117. Available from:
    • Cordera F, Arrangoiz R. Thyroid Cancer. CPMS-V6 [Internet]. 2022 Jul. 14 [cited 2022 Jul. 14];:174-239. Available from:
  • Office Location

Medical School

Universidad Anahuac
Anahuac University School of Medicine


Michigan State University


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Fox Chase Cancer Center
Fox Chase Cancer Center

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