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Emergency Medicine

The Emergency Medicine residency program of Mount Sinai Medical Center is an ACGME accredited 3-year training program. Our program is deeply committed to providing a learning environment rooted on the principles of academic excellence in teaching and research. We strive to provide compassionate, evidence based emergency care to the City of Miami Beach and its surrounding community. Our dedicated faculty is continuously working to perfect our ultimate goal: to produce complete physicians who will be future leaders in Emergency Medicine.


Michael T. Dalley, DO, FAAEM
Program Director, Emergency Medicine Residency

Teaching Philosophy

Program Overview:

Our program is a three year (PGY 1-3) residency accredited by the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME).

The majority of your rotations will take place at Mount Sinai Medical Center, a full description of which is available on the home page of this website. Here, you will have the benefit of interacting with an emergency medicine faculty who are all residency-trained and board certified or board eligible in emergency medicine. In addition, you will be working with residents from almost every other specialty. We also provide a robust medical student clerkship rotation for medical students interested in Emergency Medicine.

Jackson Memorial Hospital is the county hospital with over a 1000 bed capacity, affiliated with the University of Miami Medical School. Trauma rotations will be conducted at the world famous Ryder Trauma Center. Toxicology will be taught at the Florida Poison Information Center, Miami, on the campus of Jackson Memorial Hospital.

Pediatric Emergency Medicine and Pediatric ICU rotations are based at the internationally renowned Jack Nicklaus (formerly) Miami Children’s Hospital. This hospital also serves as a state recognized pediatric trauma receiving facility with an ED census of 80,000 annual visits. The PEM and PICU rotations are integrated into the PEM and PICU fellowships established at Nicklaus Children’s hospital. As an emergency medicine resident, you will have a broad educational experience at three renowned training facilities as well as exposure to the most culturally diverse patient populations in America. Your residency years will be memorable and you will grow as a physician and as a human being.

We currently accept 8 residents per year into our program and maintain a total of 24 residents enrolled in the program.

Our board pass rate for the past 2 years has been 100%.

House Staff Benefits

Residents are provided with:

  • Professional liability insurance
  • Parking
  • On-call rooms for every service
  • White lab coats and scrubs
  • House staff lounge with TV, refrigerator, coffee maker and computer station
  • $2000 annually for academic support
  • $1500 annually for food support
  • 14 paid sick days
  • PGY-1 residents have 21 calendar days of annual paid vacation
  • PGY-2 and above have 28 calendar days of annual paid vacation

Residents are eligible for:

  • Health insurance for resident and dependents
  • Dental insurance
  • Life insurance
  • Long-term disability insurance

Education and Teaching Conferences

The curriculum has been designed in a 3-year format to cover the Core Curriculum of the ACGME EM RRC, as well as a host of other topics of interest to the Emergency Medicine resident. The emergency medicine residency conducts weekly educational conferences at Mount Sinai Medical Center every Wednesday from 7AM to 12:00PM. Other educational conferences include:

  • Procedural Labs
  • Oral Board Simulations
  • Medico legal Conferences
  • Morbidity and Mortality
  • Journal Club
  • Interdisciplinary Conferences with other Mount Sinai Medical Center residencies
  • In-service Review Sessions
  • Case Presentation Conferences
  • Chart Peer Review
  • In-service Question Preparation Tests
  • Radiology Rounds
  • EKG Rounds
  • Chapter Review of Selected Textbooks, with weekly quizzes

Publications and Presentation

Poster/Abstract/Oral Presentation:

Golden A, Weber L, Kresch F, Farcy D, Zitek T. A Retrospective Analysis of Voice Dictation Documentation in the Emergency Department. Oral presentation by EM resident Weber at AAEM’s scientific assembly in Austin, TX in April 2024. (National conference).

Gomez D, Zajd S, Zitek T, Farcy D. End of Life Care in the Emergency Department. Presented by EM resident Zajd at FLAAEM’s scientific assembly in Miami Beach, FL in May 2024. (Regional conference).

Frost P. Iliac Stent Migration to Right Ventricular Outflow Tract.  Interesting photo presented by EM resident Frost at AAEM’s scientific assembly in Austin, TX in April 2024. (National conference).

Chamberlain O, Abello V, Cao C, Dalley M, Golden A. Tonsillitis and Peritonsillar Abscess (PTA) with a Positive N. meningitidis Throat Culture. Poster presented by EM resident Abello at FLAAEM’s scientific assembly in Miami Beach, FL in May 2024. (Regional conference).

Forns C.  A Case of Brugada Syndrome Associated with Addison’s Disease. Poster presented by EM resident Forns at FLAAEM’s scientific assembly in Miami Beach, FL in May 2024. (Regional conference).

McShannic J. Golden A. A Rare Cause of Monoarthropathy Developed after Immunomodulator Chemotherapy. Poster presented by EM resident McShannic at FLAAEM’s scientific assembly in Miami Beach, FL in May 2024. (Regional conference).

Perez R, Puebla D, Kinas D. Point of Care Ultrasound Guided Transversus Abdominus Plane Block for Pain Control of Ruptured Ectopic Pregnancy in the Emergency Department. Poster presented by EM resident Perez at FLAAEM’s scientific assembly in Miami Beach, FL in May 2024. (Regional conference).

Zitek T, Pagano K, Fernandez C, Zajd S, Vaidean G, Farcy DA. A Retrospective Analysis of Intravenous Diltiazem with or without a Drip for Atrial Fibrillation in the Emergency Department. Oral presentation by EM resident Zajd at ACEP’s scientific assembly in Philadelphia, PA in October 2023. (National conference).  Voted one of the “Best of ACEP”.

Zitek T, Weber L, Roitman A, Corbea C, Sherman D, Nunez T, Puron L, Warren N, Kresch F, Farcy DA. Characteristics Associated with Patient Satisfaction Scores in the Emergency Department. Oral presentation by EM resident Weber at ACEP’s scientific assembly in Philadelphia, PA in October 2023. (National conference). 

Zitek T, Weber L, Roitman A, Corbea C, Sherman D, Nunez T, Puron L, Shalaby M, Kresch F, Farcy DA Who Fills out Emergency Department Patient Satisfaction Surveys? Oral presentation by EM resident Nunez at ACEP’s scientific assembly in Philadelphia, PA in October 2023. (National conference). 

Articles published/Peer Reviewed:

Chamberlain O, Portuondo S, Shalaby M. Utility of the occipital nerve block in the emergency department: A case series. Am J Emerg Med. 2024 Jun:80:228.e5-228.e6. PMID: 38705757

Sanoja AJ, Shalaby M. Use of Point-of-care Ultrasound to Diagnose Rectus Abdominis Strain in the Acute Setting: A Case Report. Clin Pract Cases Emerg Med. 2024 May;8(2):159-162. PMID: 38869342

Zitek T, Alexander JS, Bui J, Gonzalez N, Scheppke E, Obiorah S, Wong C, Farcy DA . Cash critical care time prices vary substantially by region and hospital ownership: A cross-sectional study. Am J Emerg Med. 2023 Dec 13:77:66-71. doi: 10.1016/j.ajem.2023.12.009. PMID: 38104385

Christopher Raciti, Melba Blanzaco, Jeffrey Bernstein. Death associated with ingestion of starfruit (Averrhoa carambola) in a patient with chronic kidney disease. 2023 Aug;70:208.e1-208.e3. doi: 10.1016/j.ajem.2023.06.043. Epub 2023 Jun 27. PMID: 37394384

Tony Zitek, Joseph Bui, Christopher Day, Sara Ecoff, Brijesh Patel. A cross-sectional analysis of Yelp and Google reviews of hospitals in the United States. 2023 Feb 25;4(2):e12913. doi: 10.1002/emp2.12913. eCollection 2023 Apr. PMID: 36852191 PMCID: PMC9960977

Luke Weber, Michael Shalaby. Bilateral Erector Spinae Plane Block for Man o’ War Stings: A Case Report. 2023 Feb;7(1):36-38. doi: 10.5811/cpcem.2022.12.58093. PMID: 36859330 PMCID: PMC9983346

Tony Zitek, Brittney Pardinas, Alyssa Cartwright, Matthew Apicella, David A Farcy. Florida emergency department facility fees vary significantly based on hospital ownership. 2023 Feb 15. doi: 10.1111/acem.14696. Online ahead of print. PMID: 36790292

Tony Zitek, Joseph Bui, Alyssa Eily, David A Farcy. Discrepancies in Outcomes by Race and Ethnicity in COVID-19 Patients Receiving Casirivimab and Imdevimab. 2023 Jan;116(1):15-19. doi: 10.14423/SMJ.0000000000001498. PMID: 36578112 PMCID: PMC9812297

Daniel L Puebla, Matthew Apicella, Oren J Mechanic, Robert A Farrow. Point of care ultrasound needle guidance to assist diagnosis of acute gluteal compartment syndrome. doi: 10.1016/j.ajem.2022.09.004. Epub 2022 Sep 11. PMID: 36163064

Apicella M, Mayrink M, Rajadhyaksha CD, Farcy DA. A Case of Transvaginal Small Bowel Evisceration following Hysterectomy with Discussion of Emergency Department Diagnosis and Management. Case Rep Emerg Med. 2022 Feb 2;2022:1334302. doi: 10.1155/2022/1334302. PMID: 35154836; PMCID: PMC8828347.

Tony Zitek Luke WeberDominique PinzonNicole Warren. Assessment and Management of Immune Thrombocytopenia (ITP) in the Emergency Department: Current Perspectives. Open Access Emerg Med. 2022 Jan 29;14:25-34. doi: 10.2147/OAEM.S331675. PMID: 35125895. PMCID: PMC8809484

Tony Zitek Kathleen JodoinTarang KheradiaRyan NapolilloMichael T DalleyFaith QuenzerDavid A Farcy. Vaccinated patients have reduced rates of hospitalization after receiving casirivimab and imdevimab for COVID-19. J Emerg Med. 2022 Jun;56:370-371. doi: 10.1016/j.ajem.2021.10.044. Epub 2021 Nov 2. PMID: 34763963 PMCID: PMC8562033

Daniel L. PueblaRobert A. Farrow. Ultrasound Guided ArthrocentesisStatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2022 Jan. 2021 Jul 29. PMID: 34424657

Farcy D, Dalley M, Miro M, Swalley P, Sherman D, Nask J, Jodoin K, Cubeddu L, Zitek T, Goldszer R, A Comparison of SARS-CoV-2 Neutralizing Antibody Therapies in High-Risk patients with Mild to Moderate COVID-19 disease at a Single Academic Hospital, J Emerg Med. 2021 Jul 15:S0736-4679(21)00564-3. doi: 10.1016/j.jemermed.2021.07.025. Online ahead of print. PMID: 34489146; PMCID: PMC8279938

Chia-Yuan Michael Lee, Michael T Dalley. A Culinary Misadventure: A Case Report of Shiitake Dermatitis. doi: 10.21980/J8X936. eCollection 2021 Oct. PMID: 37465267 PMCID: PMC10332740

A comparision of SARS-CoV-2 Neutralizing antibody therapies in High-risk paitents with Mild to moderate COVID-19 disease at a Single Academic Hospital. Journal of Emergency medicine July 2021. Doi:

Dalley M, Baca M, Raza C, Boge L, Edwards D, Goldszer R, Cubbedu L, Farcy D “Does a Standardized Discharge Communication Tool improve Resident performance in the Discharge conversation?” West J Emerg Med. 2020 Nov 20;22(1):52-59. doi: 10.5811/westjem.2020.9.48604. PMID: 33439806

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