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Supporting High-Quality, Compassionate Care for our Community

Now and for Generations to Come

Dr. David & Lisa Pulver

Dr. David and Lisa Pulver

For Dr. David and Lisa Pulver, philanthropy begins at home, which is why their support of Mount Sinai Medical Center focuses on providing world-class medical care to South Florida. A successful entrepreneur, Dr. David Pulver founded the IMA group in 1990, which is now a leading provider of technology-enabled high quality medical, psychological, and speech and language evaluation services. With now over 100 locations across the nation and over thirty years as CEO, Dr. Pulver now serves as Executive Chairman. Together with his wife Lisa, the Pulvers are the proud parents of three adult children and a beautiful Golden Doodle, along with four grandchildren and four grand-dogs

The Gift

The Pulvers feel that education is paramount in enacting lasting change. “To further our goal of enhancing the high quality care that Mount Sinai offers, we decided to support a fellowship program in the Department of Hematology and Oncology,” they said. “Our hope is that through our efforts, we will continue a legacy of medical excellence for future generations.” In the midst of an ongoing physician shortage, the Pulvers’ philanthropy ensures that South Florida will have access to vital education and training for generations to come.

Motivating Mission

For the Pulvers, philanthropy is intertwined with Judaism. “Philanthropy is a vehicle for enabling the goal of Tikun Olam, which is a Jewish imperative to use our ingenuity, abilities, and resources to help mankind,” they said. “At Mount Sinai, unparalleled expertise meets the purest form of compassion, and the world needs more love, love, love.” The Pulvers’ dedication to expanding high quality health care access across South Florida enables Mount Sinai Medical Center to continue to provide world class patient care and medical education.

Living the Mission

The Philantropists Behind our Enduring Legacy

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