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Heat Wave

Heat Wave

Stay cool and healthy during Florida’s summer months

The summer months in South Florida can be brutal, with temperatures rising and rising. Heat exhaustion and heatstroke can occur when your body starts to lose the ability to regulate its core temperature. 

Symptoms include:

  • Excessive sweating
  • Fatigue 
  • Dizziness 
  • Nausea and/or headaches 
  • Confusion and/or irrational thoughts 

It’s important to seek medical attention if you experience these symptoms. Mount Sinai has three convenient emergency centers in Miami Beach, Aventura, and Hialeah. 

The chairman of our Emergency Department, David Farcy, MD, explains that this current heat wave should not be taken lightly — especially for young children and vulnerable populations. This includes those with chronic medical conditions or our elderly population. 

“Because dehydration can cause significant worsening of chronic medical conditions ranging from severe sunburns and heat cramps to heat exhaustion and the catastrophic heatstroke, it’s important to stay cool this summer!” 

Here’s how: 

  • Stay hydrated — it helps regulate your body temperature. Make sure to drink plenty of decaffeinated fluids, especially when doing physical activities. 
  • Keep track of your time outside. Early mornings and late evenings are best for outdoor activities. 
  • Adjust to the heat — if you are always indoors, in the AC, your body may not be ready for major heat exposure. Gradually expose yourself to the outdoors in the summertime, to ease your way into it. 
  • Dress the part! Limit your exposure to the sun and try to wear loose-fitting clothing that covers your whole body. Consider wearing a hat with a wide brim to shade you from the sun. 
  • Maintain a healthy weight! Obese populations are at a much greater risk for heat-related illnesses.

David A Farcy, MD

Chairman, Department of Emergency Medicine at Mount Sinai Medical Center

Director, Emergency Medicine Critical Care at Mount Sinai Medical Center

Professor and Vice Chair of Research, Department of Emergency Medicine & Critical Care at Florida International University Herbert Wertheim College of Medicine

Professor, Department of Emergency Medicine at Dr. Kiran C. Patel College of Osteopathic Medicine Nova Southeastern University

Immediate Past President, American Academy of Emergency Medicine

  • Emergency Care
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