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Pregnancy Fit

How to stay fit during your pregnancy

A fit and healthy lifestyle can enhance your overall pregnancy and labor experience, so if you already have a fitness plan in place before you get pregnant, you should be able to maintain most of that program during your pregnancy. Women who engage in all levels of fitness – from running marathons, to brisk walks, swimming, and doing yoga –are generally able to continue being active and staying fit throughout their pregnancies.

And while running a marathon is not how most women would begin an exercise program during pregnancy, there are many safe options that will help you stay fit if you are in current good health, and your pregnancy progresses normally. Before beginning any exercise program, you should always speak with your healthcare provider, so you can decide on an exercise plan that is safe and right for you.

Your healthcare provider may advise against certain exercises and activities that are unsafe to do during pregnancy, due to cervical insufficiency or cerclage, twin pregnancy, placenta previa, or preeclampsia.

For normal, healthy pregnancies, there are several great exercises that can keep you feeling fit, like walking, swimming, stationary bicycling, and modified yoga (but not hot yoga), to name a few. Modified yoga classes are specially designed for pregnant women to accommodate a growing belly and the shifting balance of weight. Always avoid positions that require you to lay flat on your back for long periods because this may decrease the blood flow to the placenta.

Some activities to avoid include contact sports, horseback riding, hot yoga or hot pilates, skydiving, and scuba diving. Whatever program you decide on, always stay hydrated, avoid getting overheated, wear a good sports bra, and choose shoes with good traction that are not slippery. Listen to your body, don’t forget to take breaks, and be sure to stretch.

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