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Betsabee Cordero

Patient Story: Betsabee Cordero Rodriguez

How a courageous colorectal cancer patient persevered through her treatment while managing her own business.

When Cuban-native Betsabee Cordero Rodriguez received her stage-four colorectal cancer diagnosis in 2016 at the age of 45, she was determined to stay positive and strive for recovery. Despite undergoing treatment, she refused to let her diagnosis disrupt her life. Thanks to medical screening and the care provided by physicians at Mount Sinai, she was able to manage her cancer while successfully running her travel agency, Miami Travels, in Hialeah.

Betsabee’s cancer journey began with what she thought were symptoms of hemorrhoids after experiencing rectal bleeding. However, a colonoscopy at Mount Sinai revealed a more serious diagnosis: rectal carcinoma. Her physician recommended consulting Dr. Mike Cusnir, Chief of the Division of Hematology and Oncology and Co-Director of Gastrointestinal Malignancies, whose expertise guided her through the maze of treatment options.

“When they diagnosed me, I was at stage four, which was really advanced,” she recalls. “The first thing we did was reduce the cancer with chemotherapy, and after the second round, I was no longer bleeding. The cancer reduced tremendously.”

In choosing the right treatment, Dr. Cusnir suggested they enroll Betsabee in a randomized clinical trial by Alliance for FOLFOX—a neoadjuvant (or tumor shrinking) therapy known for its effectiveness against colorectal cancer—to which she agreed. From August to November 2016, Betsabee underwent six cycles of FOLFOX, leading to promising results that enabled surgical resection in early 2017. To ensure the best possible outcome, she continued her treatment with chemotherapy and radiotherapy in 2018.

Through it all, Betsabee drew her strength from her dedication to her work, which fueled her positivity and motivation during treatment. Betsabee currently resides with her partner and enjoys spending time with her family and son. Every three months, she visits the hospital for routine check-ups and updates. As she reflects on the support and care she received, she is filled with gratitude for Dr. Cusnir, his oncology team, the compassionate care extended by the nurses, and even the receptionists.

“Mount Sinai has created a community,” she adds. “I’ve been to both Aventura and Miami Beach locations for checkups and scans, and every visit has always been gracious, very professional, and easy.”

Betsabee’s story serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of early screening for colorectal cancer, particularly for individuals aged 45 and older. If you fall within this age group, scheduling a colonoscopy at Mount Sinai could be a life-saving decision, as it was for Betsabee.

To schedule a colonoscopy screening at Mount Sinai Medical Center, please call 305.677.8297 or visit to learn more.

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