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Billing & Financial Information
Financial Responsibilities & Billing Information
Thank you for choosing Mount Sinai Medical Center for your healthcare needs.
After your visit or discharge from the hospital, you will receive a statement of services rendered which includes a summary of hospital charges for your visit. This is not a bill if you are covered under Medicare, Medicaid, or other third-party insurance, or have made prior payment arrangements. This statement will identify whether the balance is pending with third-party insurance. Please carefully review the insurance information on this statement. For questions regarding your statement, or to request an itemized bill, please call our Customer Service department at 305-674-2130, Monday-Friday, from 9AM-4PM.
The charges for your room include nursing, food, telephone, room service, linen and maintenance. The private room rate is charged if you have requested to be in a private or upgraded room. Other hospital charges that may appear on your bill are for supplies, special equipment, laboratory tests, therapeutic treatment, personal items, pharmacy, operating room time, x-rays and intravenous solutions. Charges may also include a facility fee which covers overhead expenses incurred by the hospital. Physician fees and any other services or physician consultations are billed separately by each party. This includes but is not limited to services in radiology, emergency department, EKG, pathology, and anesthesia. A list of physicians that may bill you separately and their contact information is available at the bottom of this page.
As a patient, or prospective patient, you have the right to request a personalized estimate from us. To request an estimate of charges, please call 305-674-2121, x52092, Monday-Friday, from 8AM-5PM.
The Agency for Health Care Administration’s service bundle pricing website provides information on health care pricing. You can visit by clicking here or visiting the website at the following URL address: https://pricing.floridahealthfinder.gov/.
The service bundle information is a non-personalized estimate of costs that may be incurred by the patient for anticipated services. Actual costs will be based on services actually provided to the patient. Patients have a right to request a personalized estimate from the hospital. Patients should contact the health care providers anticipated to provide services to the patient while in the hospital to obtain a personalized estimate of their costs, their billing practices and whether they participate in the patient’s health plan.
AHCA’s Florida Health Finder website, www.FloridaHealthFinder.gov, also provides hospital quality metrics, including readmissions data, mortality rates, complication rates, infection rates, patient experience and other patient safety indicators.
A list of names and health insurers contracted with the hospital as a network provider is available on our website. Please click here or visit /contracted-health-plans/.
While you are hospitalized, if you have any questions concerning your bill or the financial policy of the hospital, or would like to speak to a financial counselor, please call 305-674-2121, x52092, Monday-Friday, from 8AM to 5PM. Upon discharge or after your visit, questions can be addressed by calling Customer Service at 305-674-2130, Monday-Friday, 9AM-4PM.
Medicare Patients
If you are covered under Medicare, Mount Sinai will file the claim. Please be aware that Medicare will not cover your total bill. You are responsible for the deductible, co-insurance, private room, differential and other non-covered costs. When payment is received from Medicare, we will bill your supplemental or secondary insurance. You will then begin receiving statements regarding the status of your account.
Managed Care, HMO/PPO and Insurance Patients
If you are covered under third-party insurance, we will file a claim. Most insurance companies pay within the 35 days, as required by the state of Florida. During this time, you may receive notices from Mount Sinai regarding the status of your claim. We encourage you to promptly respond to any requests for information. You also may receive a bill for any deductible or co-insurance amounts that are not covered under your policy. We ask that you promptly pay these balances upon receipt of our notice.
Medicaid Patients
If you are covered under Medicaid, we will file the claim. If you have applied for Medicaid, but have not been approved at the time of your admission, you should provide the Business Office with any updated information once you receive your Medicaid eligibility information. If you do not have Medicaid, and you have not applied for assistance but you would like to find out whether you would qualify, please contact us immediately. We have staff on site ready to assist you.
International Patients
Patients with pre-paid arrangements should contact International Services at 305-674-2774 if you have any financial related questions. Patients needing an interpreter should ask their nurse to contact the hospital’s translation service.
Self-Pay Patients
If you are a patient without insurance coverage, you may be eligible for financial assistance. There are a variety of options available, based upon your financial circumstances. We can detail these options for you to help determine which one best suits your needs. We also have programs available that can assist patients with their bills, based upon specific eligibility criteria. Please call 305-674-2130 if you have concerns about your account balance or would like to inquire about self-pay rates or financial assistance or click here for more information.
Mount Sinai provides financial assistance to eligible persons who have healthcare needs and are uninsured or ineligible for a government program or are otherwise unable to pay for emergency or other medically necessary care.
Collection Procedures
Patient responsibility for services rendered is the responsibility of the guarantor. Mount Sinai does place accounts with external collection agencies to pursue any debts outstanding.
Mount Sinai Medical Center will make reasonable efforts to determine whether a patient is eligible for financial assistance before pursuing collection actions. Mount Sinai does not engage in extraordinary collection actions (ECAs) and will not impose ECAs such as wage garnishments, liens on primary residences, or other legal actions for any patient without first making reasonable efforts to determine whether the patient is eligible for financial assistance. This does not preclude the hospital from engaging in ECAs.
Payment Plans/Discounts
Uninsured patients who do not qualify for charity care or for other funding or third-party assistance may be eligible for self-pay or global packages for services rendered. In cases where the patient cannot afford to pay the self-pay or global package, the patient may be eligible for financial assistance based on the Medical Center’s Financial Assistance Policy.
Any discounts other than contractual allowances or packages, are evaluated on an individual basis. To request a payment plan, or for other questions related to financial responsibility, please call at 305-674-2130, Monday – Friday, from 9:00am to 4:00pm.
Physician Charges
Your hospital bill is for services rendered at any of the Mount Sinai Medical Center campus locations. Physician fees and any other services or physician consultations are billed separately by each party. This includes but is not limited to services in radiology, emergency department, EKG, pathology and anesthesia. These health care providers may or may not participate with the same insurers or health maintenance organizations as the hospital.
Patients may contact the below providers to determine which health insurers and health maintenance organizations the providers participate in as a network provider.
- Anesthesiology Services
Miami Beach Anesthesia Associates
P.O. Box 816759
Hollywood, FL 33081
Phone: 305-674-1233
- Emergency Room Physician Services
Schumacher Clinical Partners
P.O. BOX 731584
Dallas, TX 75373
Phone: 888-703-3301
- Pathology – AM Rywlin and Associates
P.O. Box 3093
Boca Raton, FL 33431
Phone: 305-503-6320
- Radiology – Radiology of MSMC, LLC
P.O. Box 11550
Miami, FL 33101
Phone: 305-503-6320
- Mount Sinai Physician Practices
4300 Alton Road
Miami Beach, FL 33140
Phone: 305-674-2130
More About Mount Sinai
Review the latest health news and updates from across the medical center.
Read about our well-deserved reputation for the highest quality of care.
Learn more about the Irma and Norman Braman Comprehensive Cancer Center, scheduled to open in 2025.