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Smartwatches Get Smarter: Monitoring your Heart Health

Smartwatches are modern, high-tech wearables that not only keep time, but play music, provide GPS, and can even save your life! Top tech companies have recently rolled out groundbreaking technology to be featured in their watches: an FDA-approved electrocardiogram sensor, otherwise known as ECG.

The ECG feature measures heart rhythms, detecting arrhythmias such as atrial fibrillation (A-Fib). An arrhythmia is when the heart beats too slowly, too fast, or in an irregular way. A-Fib is the most common type of heart arrhythmia that can lead to blood clots, stroke or heart failure. It is estimated that more than six million Americans have A-Fib. What is most concerning is that up to 700,000 Americans may have A-Fib and not even know it.

Apple was the first tech company to offer a wearable ECG sensor with its Watch Series 4, using wrist technology to track steps and measure heart rate. The ECG analysis takes just 30 seconds and it is recorded on its app. Just last month, Samsung released its version of ECG tracking with the Galaxy Watch Active 2, which monitors heart rate and even sends an alert when it goes above or below normal levels.

The highly-anticipated feature has other companies racing to provide the same. Two tech companies are still awaiting FDA approval. Asus’ VivoWatch SP will feature a sensor for blood pressure monitoring, a heart rate sensor and a pulse oximeter. And, if you are interested in a more conventional-style watch, Withings will be releasing the first analog watch that also includes ECG sensors.

The FDA has noted that the ECG data recorded should only be used for informational use and urges users to consult with a qualified healthcare professional if they feel their measurements are concerning or abnormal. There is no question that these new heart-monitoring features will possibly save lives and will keep us on top of our heart health!

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